Where’ve I Been?

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Where’ve I Been?



I think it’s all gone now. The depression.

I was gone, too, but it works in opposition, you see. It’s gone, I’m back, and so on.

I need to update some things around here. Like my picture, for one. Lawd. It’s a beautiful picture, but I’m not that woman anymore. I’m so much more.

And you should know that this Amazon page will tell you everything you need to know about what books I’ve released since we last met. THIS blog will tell you that, and everything else 🙂

So. For now, exciting things:
1. Jesus Freaks: The Broken Ones (book 3) is out! whoohoo! 9 5-star reviews thus far! Click the Amazon page link above to get yo’self a copy!
2. I’m working on a contemporary romance right now, scheduled for an April release. Chasing Kane, following Regan and CJ Kane as they play in a cross-coutry music tour that spans six months and lots of emotions. Follow progress on this novel through my Facebook page here.

I have a mailing list, too. I’ll try to send a monthly newsletter to you Randall’s Readers. Fill out the form to be included. My ultimate goal is to send teasers, giveaways, and fun things for my email friends!

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I think that’s all for now!

Thanks for hanging in there with me.



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