The Upside Down
The Upside Down. For viewers of the Netflix Series “Stranger Things”, this reference is easily digested as the pseudo-reality filled with murderous beings and all of our “hiding under the bed” fears rolled into one. This place exists alongside, underneath,…
Lent, so far.
Greetings, populants of the Internet! I’m alive, and well. The end. See you again soon! Just kidding, I’m not nearly succinct enough to end it there after what has been a THREE-WEEK fast from social media thus far! I half-heartedly…
2018: Heal
Off and on through the course of the last couple of years, I’ve taken on the task of choosing a word on which to focus for the coming year. I can’t remember them all, or even very many of them,…
*This post is unedited. It was written in the fury of tears and emotions that washed over me when I walked back into the house after the kids got on the bus.* It’s too much. I can’t breathe and I’m…
All The Things That Are True, Episode 1: Church
All The Things That Are True About: Church If I’d written this post last week, it would be different than today. Truth is dynamic from our subjective human purview. There is Truth, and I’m not going to argue all…
Idling at 59: When Balance Isn’t an Option
In one of her books, Anne Lamott talks about an explosive confrontation with her then teenage son. Of course it seemed to stem from something minor—an adolescent attitude, say—but she was pushed over the edge into the ugly space in…
The Compassion of the Christ
I’m glad I took an extra day before writing this. Because the sermon yesterday was on compassion, which is the root of what I experienced on Saturday. Merriam-Webster calls compassion, “consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it….
The Big Queer Deal: An Apology
The Big Queer Deal: An apology I’m going to cut to the chase: To my friends in the queer community, and their loving supporters-I’m sorry. I failed you, and I failed myself, and it’s time I make an amends. I’ve…