All The Things That Are True, Episode 0

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All The Things That Are True, Episode 0



“Every time you tell the truth it clears the way for other people to tell the truth.”

Glennon Doyle said this in her Super Soul Sunday interview with Oprah Winfrey, and it hit me so deeply I texted it to my husband. It’s what made me decide to start publishing these truths of mine as blog posts, rather than to wait for a whole book to be ready, compiled, edited, and sold.

All The Things That Are True will be the title of this series and, eventually, book of the truths I know today as I stare down the barrel of my mid-thirties. The truths I hold after two marriages, one divorce, five kids, a fledgling political career, tragedy, loss, and a faith journey that underscores it all.

I will share them in episodes, some complete and some broken into parts as needed for blog length. I will share them with the intention of not keeping the truth for myself, but to send it into the spaces between us to encourage you to face your own truths and, maybe, share them with others.

We win when we tell the truth. We heal when we tell the truth. We grow when we tell the truth. And, truths change as life moves on.

That’s why I wanted to write this book and these essays. I’ll be 35 in May and I was stopped in my tracks one day when I thought about the things I thought were true at age 25. At age 25 I was concluding the first year of my first marriage, and had an infant son. Friends, the things that I thought for sure were true then are laughable the way we think toddlers singing garbled ABCs are laughable. Cute. Innocent. Storms were coming for that 25 year-old me.

I hope that when I’m sitting months away from turning 45 I have even more truths and lessons than I’ll be sharing now. But, this is where I am today. Getting honest with you.

Face pain with me, uncover truths with me, and maybe, together, we can change the word with radical honesty and unceasing compassion.

Remember, you can subscribe to this blog so you’ll never miss a truth post.


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