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Welcome to my “Mommy Diaries.”

I am a 24 (soon to be 25) year old married (to 26 year old Scott) mother of one two-month old bundle of joy named Quinlan. His name is my mother’s maiden name.

We live in Lake Placid, NY, otherwise known as the place too cold for hell to freeze over. Yes, it’s the Lake Placid that hosted two winter olympics, including the “Miracle on Ice.” Yes, it’s the Lake Placid that hosts hockey tournaments nearly year-round to “hockey families” from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and (worst of all) New Jersey.Those are blogs for another day my friend. Ps- there are no homicidal reptiles in our waters.

I digress.

My “Mommy Diaries” is a blog I host on my Myspace.com page. However, not everyone has, or wants to have, a myspace page, but (trust me) everyone wants to read this. So I will post my blogs on my myspace page and here on blogspot-except on here you’ll find me at mondernmomsdiaries because mommydiaries was taken- I otta check it out.

I’ll take the next few minutes to copy and paste my “Mommy Diaries” installments from myspace to catch all of you up.



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