Share your favorite lines!
I’d love to know your favorite lines from Ten Days of Perfect! Share here, my Twitter (ARandallAuthor) or on my Facebook author page ( At the end of the week I’ll compile your favorites and talk about them a little bit
Don’t forget! When my Facebook page reaches 1,000 “likes” I’m going to share an exciting teaser from Reckless Abandon!!
Hi Andrea Randall. I read a preview of Ten Days of Perfect on but i have a NOOK and it is not listed as an ebook. When do you think that Ten Days of Perfect will be available?
I don’t have a favorite quote…..yet!!!! Just so PROUD of you, Andrea!!!
They are all good!!! The whole book!
Looking forward to the Dec. 7 event and getting a copy of your book!
I absolutely love when a book and music are tied together, for they are my two favorite things in the whole world! While searching back through Ten days of perfect for some of my favorite lines I wound up reading the book again! Here are a few of mine!
~ His dark eyes held a stare that ripped through me; a stare that said something I couldn’t read, but begged me to learn its language.
~ you’re” guitar playing, run-away- and- join a band” in love with him.
~ he said his soul thumped inside of him and it felt like he’d known you and loved you for a thousand lifetimes.
“You love him. You are holy-shit in love with him.”
This is one of my favorites, if I do say so myself hehehe.
“November, if your heart was mine it would never break.” I can just visualize Bo saying this to her! LOVE IT!!!
I cant say I have a favorite quote as of yet..Im actually about to start This book now.Ive been looking forward to it .
I don’t have a fav…. yet
this is on my TBR!!!
This is a high priority on my TBR list. Hope to have a few favorite lines soon!
Can’t wait to read it and pick a line! Hoping to win today’s giveaway. (And if I don’t, Ten Days is on my list for next weekend’s reads!)
My fav line is…..”sorry it just tonight, last night, the day before and the 8 days before that I’ve thought of forever when I thought of you bo. F^c{43d0d1614ecc8ec385b3ea9940a88627e26eaf9be88a0641399e0be0c80ef276}ing foreever”
This is on my TBR list! Love you Andrea!
” he said his soul thumped inside of him and it felt like he’d known you and loved you for a thousand lifetimes.”
“Indigo Girls, Alanis, The Wailin’ Jennys….are you sure there’s not a vagina hiding in this care somewhere?” roflmao