The Twilight Saga
This post might come as old news, “been there/ done that”, to some, but it’s fairly new to me. I just want to have a not-so-brief post discussing the Twilight Saga (books) since I enjoyed the series….and have nothing better…
Starting Over…
…We’ve been here before. With my apologies for my inconsistency. Mommybloggers have my respect because I just can’t find the time- really, I can’t! I posted before Quinn’s birthday, had ideas for more posts, but they never came. I’ve been…
Then the tears came…
I cried in church last Sunday…as I was speaking…in front of everyone. Rather, I couldn’t finish what I WANTED to say because the tears cut me off and filled in the rest. Nearly 2 weeks ago Quinn had tubes put…
Like climbing Mt. Everest…
The title of this post comes from a blog I was just introduced to. Her January 4th post (the first one I read) hit so close to home that I posted it on my Facebook page as “the best commentary…
Stop all the clocks…
…Thank you W.H. Auden…Well, I only wish we could. Then, we could ignore the fact that I haven’t had a post since JULY. July? Seriously? I’d call this a hiatus. Before I typed that word, I thought, “I can’t truly…
…And that’s why you don’t take your 3.5 year old for a last minute haircut.
…picture to come.. Last Thursday my parents were meeting me and the 3 kids in Glens Falls so we could do a quick lunch and they could take Quinn to their house for the weekend. Yea, they’re awesome like that,…
Family and Funny Stories
Hi Readers! Let me say, first, that I am SO looking forward to this weekend. I will be heading- by MYSELF- to my parents’ house for the weekend. Why, you might ask? BECAUSE! No, all kidding aside, I was supposed…
Boys oh Boys
Hey fellow readers! Boys are a funny species. What surprises me most about Aiden and Quinn is that, although I always wanted just 2 boys, it never occurred to me that 2 boys wouldn’t be alike haha. And, if you’ve…
It’s about time!
So I’ve been ridiculously off the blog radar. I don’t understand how stay-at-home moms or even working moms have the time for full time blogging! I find myself oddly busy for someone who doesn’t work outside the home! Anywho, I…